Diagnóstico por la imagen y opciones terapéuticas intervencionistas del neuroma de Morton:
una revisión de la literatura
Palabras clave:
neuroma de Morton, poster, seramResumen
El neuroma de Morton (también conocido como neuroma plantar, metatarsalgia de Morton, neuralgia de Morton o neuralgia intermetatarsiana) es una entidad benigna no neoplásica que afecta a los dedos y mitad anterior del pie causando un intenso dolor de tipo punzante y quemante en las áreas interdigitales y que puede originar un importante deterioro de la calidad de vida de aquellas personas que lo padecen, llegando a precisar de tratamiento quirúrgico exerético en sus formas más sintomáticas. Esta frecuente entidad predomina en mujeres de mediana edad y suele afectar con mayor frecuencia al tercer espacio intermetatarsiano.
Material y métodos
Se realiza una búsqueda de estudios publicados en las principales bases de datos (PUBMED, MEDLINE, ISI Web of Knowledge, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews…) seleccionando preferentemente aquellos artículos publicados a lo largo de los últimos 15 años (desde el año 2000) a fin de revisar la literatura más actual en torno al neuroma de Morton.
Thomson CE, Gibson JN, Martin D. Interventions for the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2004;(3):CD003118.
Sharp RJ, Wade CM, Hennessy MS, Saxby TS. The role of MRI and ultrasound imaging in Morton’s neuroma and the effect of size of lesion on symptoms. J Bone Joint Surg Br.2003;85-B:999–1005.
Lee M, Kim S, Huh Y, Song H, Lee S, Lee JW, et al. Morton Neuroma: Evaluated with Ultrasonography and MR Imaging. Korean Journal of Radiology. 2007;8(2):148-55.
Zanetti M, Ledermann T, Zollinger H, Hodler J. Efficacy of MR imaging in patients suspected of having Morton’s neuroma. Am J Roentgenol 1997;168:529-32.
Quinn TJ, Jacobson JA, Craig JG, van Holsbeeck MT. Sonography of Morton's neuromas. Am J Roentgenol.2000;174(6):1723.
Torres-Claramunt R, Ginés A, Pidemunt G, Puig L, de Zabala S. MRI and ultrasonography in Morton's neuroma: Diagnostic accuracy and correlation. Indian journal of orthopaedics.2012;46(3):321-5.
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Kankanala G, Jain AS. The Operational Characteristics of Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Plantar Intermetatarsal Neuroma. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery.2007;46(4):213-7.
Williams JW, Meaney J, Whitehouse GH, Klenerman L, Hussein Z. MRI in the investigation of morton's neuroma: Which sequences? Clin Radiol. 1997;52(1):46-9.
Weishaupt D, Treiber K, Kundert H, Zollinger H, Vienne P, Hodler J, et al. Morton neuroma: MR imaging in prone, supine, and upright weight-bearing body positions. Radiology. 2003;226(3):849-56.
Bencardino J, Rosenberg ZS, Beltran J, Liu X, Marty-Delfaut E. Morton's Neuroma: Is It Always Symptomatic? Am J Roentgenol. 2000;175(3):649.
Fazal MA, Khan I, Thomas C. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of Morton´s neuroma. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2012 May-Jun;102(3):184-6.
Espinosa N, Schmitt JW, Saupe N, Maquieira GJ, Bode B, Vienne P, et al. Morton neuroma: MR imaging after resection--postoperative MR and histologic findings in asymptomatic and symptomatic intermetatarsal spaces. Radiology. 2010;255(3):850-6.
Thomson CE, Beggs I, Martin DJ, McMillan D, Edwards RT, Russell D, et al. Methylprednisolone injections for the treatment of Morton neuroma: a patient-blinded randomized trial. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. 2013;95(9):790.
Hassouna H, Singh D, Taylor H, Johnson S. Ultrasound guided steroid injection in the treatment of interdigital neuralgia. Acta Orthop Belg. 2007;73(2):224.
Makki D, Haddad BZ, Mahmood Z, Shahid MS, Pathak S, Garnham I. Efficacy of corticosteroid injection versus size of plantar interdigital neuroma. Foot & ankle international. 2012;33(9):722-6.
Saygi B, Yildirim Y, Saygi EK, Kara H, Esemenli T. Morton neuroma: comparative results of two conservative methods. Foot & ankle international. 2005;26(7):556.
Fanucci E, Masala S, Fabiano S, Perugia D, Squillaci E, Varrucciu V, et al. Treatment of intermetatarsal Morton's neuroma with alcohol injection under US guide: 10-month follow-up. Eur Radiol. 2004;14(3):514.
Hughes RJ, Ali K, Jones H, Kendall S, Connell DA. Treatment of Morton's Neuroma with Alcohol Injection Under Sonographic Guidance: Follow-Up of 101 Cases. Am J Roentgenol.
Espinosa N, Seybold JD, Jankauskas L, Erschbamer M. Alcohol sclerosing therapy is not an effective treatment for interdigital neuroma. Foot & ankle international. 2011;32(6):576-80. 21. Musson RE, Sawhney JS, Lamb L, Wilkinson A, Obaid H. Ultrasound guided alcohol ablation of Morton's neuroma. Foot & ankle international. 2012;33(3):196-201.
Pasquali C, Vulcano E, Novario R, Varotto D, Montoli C, Volpe A. Ultrasound-guided alcohol injection for Morton's neuroma. Foot & ankle international. 2015;36(1):55-9.
Gurdezi S, White T, Ramesh P. Alcohol injection for Morton's neuroma: a five-year follow-up. Foot & ankle international. 2013;34(8):1064.
Genon MP, Chin TY, Bedi HS, Blackney MC. Radio-frequency ablation for the treatment of Morton's neuroma. ANZ J Surg. 2010;80(9):583.
Moore JL, Rosen R, Cohen J, Rosen B. Radiofrequency thermoneurolysis for the treatment of Morton's neuroma. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery. 2012;51(1):20.
Chuter GSJ, Chua YP, Connell DA, Blackney MC. Ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation in the management of interdigital (Morton’s) neuroma. Skeletal Radiol. 2013;42(1):107-11.
Hodor L, Barkal K, Hatch-Fox LD. Cryogenic denervation of the intermetatarsal space neuroma. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. 1997;36(4):311-4.
Friedman, T., D. Richman, and R. Adler, Sonographically guided cryoneurolysis: preliminary experience and clinical outcomes. J Ultrasound Med.2012. 31(12): p. 2025-34.
Climent JM, Mondéjar-Gómez F, Rodríguez-Ruiz C, Díaz-Llopis I, Gómez-Gallego D, Martín-Medina P. Treatment of Morton Neuroma with Botulinum Toxin A: A Pilot Study. Clinical Drug Investigation. 2013;33(7):497-503.